Frequently Asked Questions
How can we help you? You can browse the topics below or send us a question of your own.
General Questions
How should I care for my earmold?
The most effective way of cleaning an earmold is with the use of an in-office Ultrasonic cleaner. However, all of our earmolds and plugs can be cleaned periodically with an anti-bacterial dish soap or earmold disinfectant cleaner. Alcohol should never be used to clean a mold or plug. Cleaning your custom earpiece will help reduce itching and discoloration of the mold due to body acidity and earwax being absorbed into the material.
Earmold tubing that becomes cracked, yellow, or hard must be replaced. Tubing should be changed at least twice a year. Droplets of moisture accumulating at the bend of the tubing can affect the performance of the hearing aid. Insruct the user on how to remove moisture through the use of a tubing air blower. Also, advise your patients not to remove their earmold by the tubing.
Earmold Replacement
It is time to replace the an earmold when:
- A patient purchases a new hearing aid.
- An earmold begins to feedback.
- A patient’s hearing thresholds have changed.
- An earmold is damaged.
- Growth, especially in children.
- An earmold is discolored.
- An earmold emits an odor.
Do you offer a guarantee or remake policy?
All custom molds are guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship for 12 months from the date of purchase. All molds are guaranteed for fit and feedback for 3 months from the date of purchase. Old molds must be returned with request for remakes.
A remake is free when:
- A mold breaks or cracks due to manufacturer defects from normal use within one year.
- A mold causes discomfort within 90 days of purchase.
- A mold allows feedback within 90 days of purchase.
A remake is not free; a full charge will be made when:
- Feedback or pain occurs after 90 days.
- The mold is over one year old.
- The hearing aid dispenser is changing the fitting to the other ear.
- The hearing aid dispenser changes the hearing aid.
- The hearing aid dispenser sends incomplete or inaccurate information.
- A mold is showing it was delivered by the United States Post Office or via special delivery.
- Your client loses their mold.
- A mold needs to be remade from an old mold, not an impression.
- A mold is remade due to color changes.
A remake is not free; a nominal charge will be made when:
- The hearing aid dispenser ruins the mold in trying to modify it.
- The hearing aid dispenser changes style, material, or acoustic modifications.
- Returning the mold for a simple adjustment or modification could avoid a remake.
Remake Procedures
When requesting a remake please include:
- New impression(s)
- An explanation of the reason for the remake
- The letter and numbers off the previous earmold bag
- The old mold(s)
Each ear impression is carefully prepared before casting, therefore the importance of a good ear impression and the most information obtained will ensure you of the most accurate earpiece.
Please fill out the order form completely! Missing information may delay your order, or cause orders to be processed incorrectly. We cannot stress enough the importance of an audiogram and/or hearing loss, please be sure to fill it out. If we see a discrepancy with your order, we will notify you. However, due to the large volume of orders that we receive, we cannot call on every slight discrepancy. For example if you do not check off a specific box you will be sent standard options such as a clear earmold, no vent, standard bore, and the appropriate tubing. Please be sure to review your order before sending it, and make sure that all information is accurate and complete.
We reserve the right to make slight changes on orders without notification. For example, a 3mm horn tube is being ordered, but the canal diameter will not accommodate one; we will install a large bore instead creating a similar effect as a horn tube. Also, we will always try to install parallel vents, however if canal space is limited a diagonal vent will be installed.
We keep impressions on file for a minimum of one year. Please note that the impressions for all mold styles, other than full styles, are cut down to the size requested, unless the keep impression full box is checked off on the order form.
When requesting more than one set of molds or plugs we only need one set of impressions, however if you order two sets it will take two days to process, if you order three sets it will take three days to process, etc.
All of our work begins immediately upon receipt of your impression(s), and most custom earpieces are shipped out the same day that they are received.
- We do not return custom molds for credit.
Lost or Delayed Molds
Every product we ship has tracking ability. However, we are not responsible for delays by the U.S. postal system. In some instances the mail can take up to ten days to deliver packages. Our policy requires a ten-day waiting period before remaking a mold free of charge. If the mold is requested before the ten-day waiting period, the mold will be full charge.
Shipping Information
First-Class Mail: All of our custom earpieces are shipped standard via first-class mail, unless they contain electronics. All orders that contain electronics or high value additions will be shipped via UPS ground for insurance purposes. We provide all our customers with postage paid bubble bags for the shipment of earmolds. Please be sure to write down the tracking # off your postage label when sending in packages.
Special Delivery: We utilize UPS and USPS Priority Mail for special delivery service at an added cost. We can provide pre-printed labels to you for sending in your earmold impressions.
Ship to Client: All molds requested ship to client are shipped via first-class mail, unless indicated otherwise.
What is the proper technique for making impressions?
Check out our complete guide here.
About Our Services
We are committed to continue to perform as the premier supplier of custom earmolds, accessories, and service and expertise to the hearing care industry. We satisfy our customers by offering the highest quality products and services at competitive prices. We believe in continual training and education of our employees to apply state of the art technology and develop innovative products. We maintain a partnering attitude with our customers to maintain long-term relationships based on communication, commitment, and mutual trust. We provide the best for our customers through consistent quality and dependable service. Moreover we are dedicated to excellence at all levels of our organization.
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